Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mixed Blood by Roger Smith

My review of Roger Smith's debut novel Mixed Blood is up at spinetingler.

Check that shit out HERE.

For whatever reason, I read Wake Up Dead before Mixed Blood (the review of which you can find by hitting Smith's name in the labels below), a rare thing for a completist, in-order-of-publication reader like myself.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to wash my hands an even number of times and get the corners matched tight on my shower cloth before I go to bed.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Justified - "Bloody Harlan"

My review of the season finale of Justified, "Bloody Harlan," is up at spinetingler.

Check that shit out HERE.

That's it for 2011 Justified coverage, dear reader.

Unless you know something I don't, that is. Like some sort of secret episode is out in the ether or some crazy shit like that.

There's an idea...